Dental Practices for Sale

Amarillo (TX1084)

About the Listing

This office is in a desirable location in Amarillo, Texas. This five (5) operatory practice is 100 percent fee for service and there is much room for expansion of services for increasing revenue streams. The office features newer equipment and technology, including digital x-rays, that can be utilized for substantial growth. If you are looking for a great opportunity at a very affordable price you must see this practice!

Listing Information

  • Location: Amarillo, TX
  • Status: Sold
  • Practice Type: General

Financial Overview

  • Gross Collections: $397,000
  • Estimated Net Income After Debt: -

Operational Information

  • Days Open (per week) Office: &
  • Doctor Days Worked / Week: &
  • Number of Full-Time Employees: &&
  • Number of Part-Time Employees: &&

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